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Nutrition Symposium 2022



Call for Abstracts -Closed

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Symposium THEME:

Strengthening Systems for Improved Nutrition in Uganda

symposium Dates

15th-17th Feb 2023


Theme 1

Maternal, Infant, Young Child and Adolescent

Nutrition (MIYCAN)

Theme 2

Nutrition in Health and Disease

Theme 3

Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation

Theme 4

Human Resources for Nutrition

Theme 5

Nutrition Financing in Uganda

Theme 6

Supplies for Nutrition in Uganda

Theme 7

Multi-sectoral response to improving nutrition-food systems for the in accelerating human, social and economic development


ABSTRACT PREsentations


For Further Information:


Tel: 0780702617

Details on the upcoming Symposium

The symposium will focus on the strengthening health and food systems for improved nutrition

Audience: The symposium will be attended by re-known health specialists/ researchers/scientists from the ministry of health and its line ministries, organizations, Universities in Uganda, other regional and global institutions; directors of health institutions/NGOs as well as policymakers from various government Ministries in Uganda, Africa and global agencies.

Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presentations

Congratulations to the authors selected to present at the symposium

General Instructions For Oral Presentations

Each presenter will be given a time slot of 15 minutes in total, which is distributed as; i)10 minutes of presentation and ii) 5 minutes of answering questions from the auditorium and changing of presenters at the podium.

Specifications for Poster Presentations

  • Recommended poster size is 1 meter by 2 meters (36 inches by 78 inches).
  • A poster board number must be visible in the upper left-hand corner of the poster at all times.
  • Include, the abstract title, author and co-author names, and the institution(s) where the authors are affiliated.
  • Place the e-mail address, phone, and fax numbers of the corresponding author in the upper right-hand corner of the poster board for attendees who desire further information.
  • The post abstract should include “Abstract, Introduction/Background,” Methods/Materials,” “Results,” Discussion, Conclusions, References, and Acknowledgements” in district paragraphs with precise illustrative figure(s) where possible.

Highlights from Previous Symposia

Participants in a panel discussion during the nutrition symposium in 2021

A participant makes his presentation during the symposium in 2021